Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day Two

Day 2 - The meaning behind my blog name

I've been using dryeyedcrab online for the majority of my adult life. I used it when I signed up to hotmail when I was 21, and I've used it ever since. The concept of the dryeyedcrab has nothing to do with my horoscope. I am not a Cancer, I am Leo (hear me rawr). It was the result of a observation of a friend at a seafood market. My girlfriend Michelle picked up a dead crab and said "Awwww look at the dry eyed crab!!" I have no idea why it stuck in my head and became my online pen name, but it did.

As for my blog, I opened this account quite a few years back. I named it March of the Crab as I've moved around a bit and I was going to use it to document what life was like in each of the different states and regions I'd lived in. The blog itself didn't take off, but I kept it nonetheless.

Til tomorrow, bitchez!