So here we are at Day 3. Time to take a look at some pics of my friends. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of my West Coast friends, so I'll leave you guys til last.
The below pic is of myself with one of my bestest girlfriends, Monica. Monica and I met when we were both placed in a temp assignment together. We hit it off immediately, bonding over the soup I'd make for our lunches (zucchini and bacon or Sweet Potato and Lentil). That was three years ago. Since then I have house sat for them while they went on their overseas jaunt, share housed with them when they got back, and indulged in many a drunken night together, watching bands, drinking tequila shots, making up drinking games with Passion Pop, etc. However, it wasn't all boozing. We've become so close I think of her as being like a sister to me. The kind of sister that you don't fight with, that doesn't pull your hair and steal your clothes. The guy in this pic is her fiance Tom. Tom is awesome, hilariously funny, a very snappy dresser, and the best Thai cooking English man you will ever meet. This guy makes a mean Pork Larb and Thai Beef Salad.

The below picture is my girlfriend Jess. We met when I was 21 yrs old. A mutual friend was having a perfume party and we were introduced, hitting it off immediately. We became firm, fast friends and ended up moving in to a little house in Wollongong, NSW. It was a typical crazy all girl share house. Lots of dogs, music, bottles of Blues Point, cigarettes, boys, and sticky date pudding (not a euphemism, mostly). I followed Jess to QLD when she moved up there to be with the man she fell in love with. Consequently she introduced me to Justin. Although Justin and I had a tumultuous relationship, if I hadn't met him I would not have my beautiful and spectacular boy. Jess has been there for me through thick and thin. She has always stood by me, been honest and sincere, cared for me when I was at my most broken, celebrated with me when I was at my best. We have painted concrete together, brazillian waxed together, danced to mobile phone music in the midst of a black out, done the running man, shared the joy of our babies, and not judged each other. It doesn't matter how far away we are, it always feels like she is nearby. When I told her I was moving to Perth she tried to talk me in to moving back to Brisbane instead. But when she realised that Perth is where I wanted to be she gave me her blessing but with one condition. She wanted me to promise that if things didn't work out in Perth I would go to her in Brisbane and stay with her for as long as I needed. She told me that I am always welcome in her home. I can not imagine Jess ever completely leaving my life. I love her two girls as though they are my own, and I have a very special connection with them. I love her guts.

I have a few more special East Coast friends, such as Sam who I only met last year but has found a very special place in my heart. We both came into each others lives when we needed each other most. She constantly sends me messages telling me how much she misses me, how much she loves me, and how much she thinks about me. It's hard for me to feel alone in the world when I have Sam there to remind me that she's here with me, no matter where I am in the world.
Now on to the West Coast part of my life. I have a very important person over here who shall remain nameless. He is an old high school buddy who I reconnected with through the wonders of facebook. He made my move to Perth seem possible and necessary. When I got here he helped me get settled in, listened to me freak out about finding somewhere to live, finding furniture, finding a job, finding my way around, etc. Without him I can honestly say that I wouldn't be in Perth now. He is funny, incredibly intelligent, caring, supportive, and handsome. Well, most of the time ;)
There are a few girlfriends over here who I knew from Wollongong. My girlfriend Kerry and I reconnected through a weird mis-sent text message. When she then found out that I was moving over here she offered my son and I a bed in her home until we found somewhere to live. Then when we found somewhere to live she emptied her kitchen cupboard so I wouldn't have to waste my money on groceries straight away.
I also have Beth and Natalie over here (and Adam, who is Natalie's +1). They always make sure that I am not left sitting around at home with nothing to do, and I am so grateful to have friends over here that I can relate to my past with. We have many mutual friends that we can both laugh and bitch about. They are my vodka loving, mojito drinking, puppy play-dating friends. I'm very glad that they're here.
Then there is Twitter. I have made some awesome friends. Some I have met IRL and some I haven't. There is Kylie, Tiffany, Caryn, Seb, Simon & Marie, Jason, Ian, Kyle, Matt, Kacy, Erin, and Geoff, just to name a few. You have all made me feel so valued in such a short time. You remind me constantly that while I may be new to this part of the country, I am certainly not alone. Some of you have invited us in to your home, and all of you have accepted us in your life. And for that both Aedin and I (and my Mum) are grateful. I am very much looking forward to spending more time with you, and with those I am yet to meet.
This has been dryeyedcrab, from March of the Crab News.